Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 12, 2021

Lá Thu Thi Cảm - Poetic Inspiration from Fallen Autumn Leaves

Lá Thu Thi Cảm

Lá chuyển vàng ươm khắp chốn rồi
Lá lìa cành héo thấy thương ơi!
Lá vờn thi sĩ khi sương đọng
Lá xáo buồng tim lúc nắng rơi
Lá nhuộm hồn thu sầu chất ngất
Lá tàn đông chí nhớ đầy vơi
Lá trao nguồn hứng cùng nhân loại
Lá gửi tình yêu rộn đất trời

Phương Hoa 
Bài Dịch:

Poetic Inspiration from Fallen Autumn Leaves

Fallen leaves that turn into deep bright yellow colour everywhere here
How lovingly those fallen leaves that have left the dried branches so dear!
Leaves that have been teasing the poets when dew are condensed lightly
Leaves that are disturbing the hearts when sunrays are falling so lovely
Leaves that are dyed with autumn sorrowful spirit that is so vast
Leaves that terminate the winter date with a longing that will surely pass
Leaves that transfer the heavenly inspiration to everybody And leaves that are sending the love which turns up the sky so noisily.

Translated into English by
Hương Cau Cao Tân
22 December 2021, in British Columbia, Canada.

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